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“Bitcoin self- regulates the production of money and clearing of
transactions that have traditionally been handled by banks and
monopolistic payment systems. As an encryption-based currency, Bitcoin
enables the secure transfer of value as content through almost any
network directly from sender to receiver without counter-party risk. Its
global autonomous network disrupts the old hierarchical financial
institutions and rebels against central authority, potentially rendering
the archaic payment systems irrelevant.” ~ Nozomi Hayase

How Bitcoin Will End World Poverty{Video} William Blair partner Brian Singer explains how Bitcoin and blockchain encryption has a greater ability to bring more of the world’s population out of poverty than anything we’ve seen in decades. Those of you with slow or dialup connections here is a TRANSCRIPT.

On the NASDAQ blog, Martin Tiller ponders whether Bitcoin could destroy the Global Banking System… Here’s a snippet:

What has the industry worried is not so much Bitcoin as the blockchain. Banks are so used to taking a cut every time money changes hands that they cannot imagine life without that particular revenue stream. Here’s a LINK to the full article.  Here is a PRINTABLE version.

Draw your own conclusions? Willing to share?

See Also:  ゴールドマンサックス – ビットコインは金融の未来:

Re-Thinkng Bitcoin

#Bitcoin Your Future

Eric Garris, @Antiwarcom founder and director, penned the piece Google Doubles Down: Demands Review of All Content,” which states: “On Wednesday morning (3/18/15), Google AdSense suspended ad delivery to demanding that we remove our 11-year-old pages that showed the abuse by U.S. soldiers of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib. We publicized this and got a bit of coverage. [See in Gawker: ‘Google Suspends Site from Ad Network for Abu Ghraib Photo.”]

Yesterday [Thursday] Google contacted us and told us that they had given in and would be restoring ad service to shortly. “However, this morning [Friday] they contacted us demanding that we remove this article. “ has no intention of allowing Google to dictate our content. We are looking into alternate sources of advertising and will not likely be working with Google AdSense in the future.” Read the rest of this entry »

One of the articles on my blog*spot that’s gotten a lot of attention, has done so for the wrong reasons.

Folks with a “rip and read” mentality have taken my typed words out of context. In “Two Sides To Every Story,” I present text and video representing opposing sides in a conflict.

I’m just reporting the facts, and, for example, if I say someone is a “light of hope” for a group of inidividuals, that’s what I mean.

Breakdown: If I wrote “Joseph Smith has been a light of hope and a poster boy for those who fancy polygamy,”  I am correct. Right? So if I write “May Golan has been a crusader, a light of hope and a voice for concerned Israelis in South Tel Aviv,” is it not the same in essence? I am naming an individual, a position and a following. That’s all. I neither condemn nor condone.

The Problem: People with agendas only see the side of a conflict they want to see.

Speaking of agendas, there’s a disqus commenter with an anti-weblog agenda.

Operating under the hat GeorgeSalt, this fellow clearly has no love for blogs or bloggers:

he left a series of acrid comments after I left a link as a counter-argument on an Atlantic article that attacks the very concept of blogging. The author is clueless as to the reality of the craft, and I was hoping to get a response from him or otherwise engage him in dialog. Doesn’t seem like he’s interested!


Apps to try:





Camera Awesome






Reminder: Whatever you put in your mobile reporting kit… the keys to being prepared are to keep your checklist with your kit, and to repack it and recharge your devices right when you get back from reporting. Don’t wait to prepare until just before you leave, they say, because you never know when you may need to run off in a hurry for your next assignment. ~ Jennifer Dorroh


Competition, at the end of the day, doesn’t matter… But, at the end of the day, it is a competitive space.” ~ The Kang Sisters

Have you heard of / Are you using tools such as StoryMap or cell phone apps like Storehouse? Are you tending to your personal brand? A recent episode of South Park showed children and adults gathered together in a room where the jumbo tv screen was blank. No one was talking to anyone else. Everyone’s nose was buried in his or her smartphone. The cartoon series reflects what’s going on in the analog world: the mobile device has become the connecting point for millions of people all over the world. It is the center of all attention and affection: a communicator, an oracle, a library, a walkman, a television, and sometimes a telephone!

Wearables, hearables, nearables and payables will be some of the buzzwords of 2015 as the mobile revolution takes the next great leap. Mobile and social trends will continue to drive technical, product and content innovation with subscription and rental models increasingly driving digital revenues.” ~ Nic Newman

Mr. Newman has outlined in his Media, Journalism and Technology Predictions for 2015 report you can read or download here. [PDF]

Now, after you’ve read the report, how much of it do you believe currently applies to or is likely to impact you, in the 12 months coming. What are YOUR thoughts? Is Newman on-target?

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