Some very exciting news for gamers – Albany, New York will host an Esports tournament in early 2019. I refer you to my story which appears on the WAMC Radio website. Click here.

SNIPPET: Teams from area schools will compete in the March 30th and 31st event, which will feature fan activities and vendors.

Cet article vous a plu ? MPI est une association à but non lucratif qui offre un service de réinformation gratuit et qui ne subsiste que par la générosité de ses lecteurs. Merci de votre soutien !

Source: Belgique – Mobilisation policière massive pour honorer leurs deux collègues victimes d’un islamiste

Even the dead Facebook.” ~ Dave Lucasaaadead

As creepy as it has become, Facebook is the 2017 equivalent to the blog, on a much wider per-capita basis. According to Google, (and this is from 4 years ago): “Based on the site’s growth rate, and the age breakdown of their users over time, there are probably 10 to 20 million people who created Facebook profiles who have since died…. About 290,000 US Facebook users will die (or have died) in 2013.” Bloggers die too!

By way of The New York Times: “Facebook is among several online services that allows a designated person to take control of a deceased person’s account.” Dead or alive, would you really want someone else controlling your account?

But those among us who yearn for immortality might prefer to maintain an active digital presence long after we have left the planet.

For instance, as I addressed this dilemma several years ago, “Should bloggers pre-post articles way ahead of time? Assuming the blogger or wordpress or whatever system didn’t get corrupted or otherwise fail, bloggers could be dispensing advice and anecdotes to readers (and relatives & their descendants) for years after they’ve departed this mortal coil.”

Likewise with other social media platforms. You can write articles, stories, tweets, etc. and schedule them to be released at specific future dates. You’re almost IMMORTAL! Think about THAT!

“It’s a grim thought, but like writing a last will and testament, this has become just another part of death preparation.” Ah, again the Times injects common sense into the dreamscape.

Do we have a social responsibility to leave such a digital legacy? Imagine your own son or daughter reading dear dead Dad or Mom’s blog or tweet 10, 15, 20 years after they’ve passed away? “This may be a rough time in your life. Or maybe not. I hope you are happy! I want to tell you a story about… blah blah blah.”

And if a netizen should leave such articles behind, would readers, family members, descendants feel an obligation to read them or a sense of guilt if they didn’t?

Like those who prefer to write their own obituaries, with a little foresight and planning, you can begin writing and uploading future works for the masses. You just want to make certain that things you write will stay relevant over the passage of time. If you watch re-runs of the old Laugh-In TV series, each episode has a skit entitled “News from the future.” It usually starts out “20 years from now, in 1988…” You’ll immediately understand why you can’t use current entertainment and pop culture as any sort of foundation for future writings. Think like Hemingway or Shelley or Shakespeare. Pass along advice or tell stories that transcend time. You may be long dead and gone, but you’ll be more in the public consciousness than any of the cryobabies


Did I type “as the new year begins?”
Indeed I did!
The new school year.
The new fall TV season.
The time when 2017 model cars come out.
I don’t know about you, but I had a really really good summer 2016! It started back in May for me.
I set a goal of having a great summer, writing down all the things I wanted to do, big and small, and then taking each day as it came, enjoying it whether at home, at work, or at play. I hope YOU had a great summer too!

This blog has been inactive for some time. Where did those 8 months go? Other social media and the time constraints of having a kick-ass summer prohibited me from taking the time to write and publish worthwhile material here. In fact, save for this paragraph, I’m trying out a twitter app called “TwitLonger” that lets you ramble on beyond 140 characters. Now that Autumn is approaching I believe I’ll have more time to get online in the late evening and carry on with serious blogging.

Fall should be really interesting: the presidential election in the United States between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is certainly going to be one for the record books. A political donnybrook if ever there was one, I suspect! I hope YOU continue to follow me on social media, read my blogs and of course if you’re in upstate New York – actually anywhere on earth – you can listen to my news reports via the internet on

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