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It’s “the first known major media outlet to launch a version of its site
that runs as a ‘hidden service’ on the Tor network, the anonymity
system that powers the thousands of untraceable websites that are
sometimes known as the darknet or dark web. “

On Wednesday, ProPublica became the first known major media outlet to launch a version of its site that runs as a “hidden service” on the Tor network. Facebook launched its own dark web version in 2014. You can set up your own site if you wish.

According to, ProPublica first began considering launching a hidden service last year when the news site was working on a report about Chinese online censorship and wanted to make sure the reporting was itself safe to visit for Chinese readers. Like other news sites, ProPublica also accepts
anonymous tips and leaks through its SecureDrop server, another Tor hidden service.

The move, ProPublica says, is designed to offer the best possible privacy protections for its visitors seeking to read the site’s news with their anonymity fully intact. TNW news: “ProPublica is a standalone non-profit newsroom that prizes itself on producing independent investigative journalism that’s in the public interest, so it will be interesting to see if it can take this mission further under the cover of the Dark Web.”

Unlike mere SSL encryption, which hides the content of the site a web visitor is accessing, the Tor hidden service would ensure that even the fact that the reader visited ProPublica’s website would be hidden from an eavesdropper or Internet service provider.” (Wired)

Onion GuideOnionshop Guide: How to set up a hidden service?

I have been informed that as of today, I’ve been on twitter for eight years. Time flies, as does the twitter bird.

You can follow me on Weibo. I’m also on Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, WeChat and SnapChat. Google and ye might find. If you’re lucky…


Say hello to Xiaxue!

Wendy Cheng, hands down, no-contest, is the consummate blogger. Period.

Here’s the proof.

Eric Garris, @Antiwarcom founder and director, penned the piece Google Doubles Down: Demands Review of All Content,” which states: “On Wednesday morning (3/18/15), Google AdSense suspended ad delivery to demanding that we remove our 11-year-old pages that showed the abuse by U.S. soldiers of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib. We publicized this and got a bit of coverage. [See in Gawker: ‘Google Suspends Site from Ad Network for Abu Ghraib Photo.”]

Yesterday [Thursday] Google contacted us and told us that they had given in and would be restoring ad service to shortly. “However, this morning [Friday] they contacted us demanding that we remove this article. “ has no intention of allowing Google to dictate our content. We are looking into alternate sources of advertising and will not likely be working with Google AdSense in the future.” Read the rest of this entry »

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